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Vasculitis and Vasomotor Diseases

Vasculitis and Vasomotor Diseases


Vasculitis is the inflammation of blood vessels (veins or arteries) in one or more organs and can occur in any part of the body. This condition may have known causes or be linked to specific factors such as infections, other diseases, age, unhealthy lifestyle, smoking, or the use of certain medications. It can also be associated with immune system disorders or genetic factors.

Although vasculitis is not very common, it can affect anyone, regardless of age. There are various types of vasculitis, which vary in symptoms, severity, and duration. Common symptoms include pain, malaise, fever, loss of appetite, unexplained fatigue, and exhaustion.

Vasculitis is not hereditary, and there is no known way to prevent it. However, diagnosing and treating the condition is crucial to managing the disease. Diagnosis is typically made through blood and urine tests.

In more severe cases, vasculitis can lead to complications such as organ damage, blood clots, aneurysms, loss of vision or blindness, and infections. Treatment often involves the use of medications such as corticosteroids to reduce inflammation.

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